Monday, February 1, 2010

Compulsively Connecting

I took a deep breath as I stood in the hallway
In and Out
Simple as that.
But was it?
My brain processed on what was going on:
Oxygen goes into my lungs
Oxygen gets absorbed into my blood stream,
Travels to my heart,
Then to the rest of my body
Used blood enters my heart
Then to my lungs
CO2 gets sent out of my mouth
All in a matter of seconds.
I get frustrated with myself, I always do that.
Over think things.
Take simple things and dissect them.
My brain never stops
I traveled up the stairs,
Each one screaming at me as
I step on them, all 10 of them.
There has always been 10.
I knew that
I counted each time.
Once again I got frustrated.
I grabbed my coat and my keys
And headed to the car.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Once Again....

I can't write
Why do I keep telling myself I can?
I can't write about love.
I can't write about life.
I can't write.
My mind wonders too much.
To express my thoughts
Would be like
A metaphor without reason.
I don't know big words,
I don't draw people in.
Taking them out of this world.
The other day I was starring at my four walls.
My? Wrong word.
These four walls.
I thought of the memories they hold,
The tales they could tale.
The journeys they have started.
A young mother with her first child.
A young father with the world in his hands.
A child with dreams
But the dreams dissolve into reality

A boy.
A boy that wants to change the world,
But doesn't know how.A boy that is growing up.