Monday, November 23, 2009

The Gloomy Optimist

I whisper hopes into my ear
Yet my mind never reaches for them
I try to convince myself.
Convince myself of what?
I grasp for a concept I shall never know
Each day, seeking deeper and deeper.
Why do I do this to myself?
I want things to be...that's it,
I don't know what I want things to be.
I think I had an idea once,
maybe twice
But now I am completely blank
Each night I run through it over and over again.
Each time, a different result
The good,
The bad,
The impossible,
but is it probable?
I will never know,
I will never try.
I don't regret.
But sometimes I think I should regret not regretting,
For regretting would make me
A man with a past,
Something he won't talk about.
I have a past, that's for sure,
But I will talk about it, if you will listen
If anyone would.
I have an idea of a future,
one where you aren't in it.
But who are 'you'?
I have a dream of a life,
where you and I are together.
Not you, the other you
But then again, who are 'you'?
Please, please,
Come out and say.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I stare.
I stare aimlessly into the mirror
Into the eyes of the figure
The figure that isn't me at all.
My eyes burn
Retinas parched like a desert
Confusion sets in
Who is that looking back at me?
Though as I sink deeper into his eyes
I recognize
I recognize a person I once new
Someone who laughed
But now he looks unfamiliar
Of that of the past
I stare even harder
My eyes scream for moisture
Then I blink
And there I am
Starring at myself
In the mirror

Friday, November 13, 2009



A Family is forever
Doesn't matter what happens
Aspiration keeps them alive
A Family is a miracle
Doesn't matter what you do
They always are inviting
A Family is loving
There for strength
To put a smile upon your face
A Family is Yours

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I Focused Too Much On Shoelaces...They're Too Tight

I'm just dazed
In the unforgettable
Moment I'm in.
It's just strange,
The action that I go
Through each day.
I'm trying to get out,
I'm trying to leave,
But the days just go by,
Like seconds in my life.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dave Smallen

So instead of me putting one of my writings up today, I thought I would help an artist out. Dave Smallen is musician that makes wonderful music and needs to be heard, so if interested, head over to to listen to his stuff. He is a very talented person and needs the credit he deserves. His new album, "Everything Changes and Nothing Changes" comes out on iTunes 12.1.09. Please check him out.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

They Say I Am A Hope(less Romantic)

What is this?
What hopes have I got myself into this time?
Your hair is growing old with this moment
And here we are, falling away like leaves upon a dead ground.
I desperately count my worries away
For if I shall fall asleep with them,
I always wake up on the wrong side.
I scream the quietest secret
For no one can know

My mind observes
And states:
"What is this?"