Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Once Again....

I can't write
Why do I keep telling myself I can?
I can't write about love.
I can't write about life.
I can't write.
My mind wonders too much.
To express my thoughts
Would be like
A metaphor without reason.
I don't know big words,
I don't draw people in.
Taking them out of this world.
The other day I was starring at my four walls.
My? Wrong word.
These four walls.
I thought of the memories they hold,
The tales they could tale.
The journeys they have started.
A young mother with her first child.
A young father with the world in his hands.
A child with dreams
But the dreams dissolve into reality

A boy.
A boy that wants to change the world,
But doesn't know how.A boy that is growing up.