Monday, December 7, 2009

lareneg si efil yM

The snow was falling.  Not from the sky.  From the mountain.  Soon I was engulfed into a new life, a life of darkness, a life of nothing.  The snow instantly stopped and I was trapped, couldn't move.  The strange thing was though, I could still breath.  My heart was racing, my eyes were covered, yet I was still breathing!  I had no idea where the oxygen was coming from, but it was coming, but for how long?  I tried moving my legs. No luck. My arms. No luck. My head.  Nothing.  There was no way that I would get out alone.  Wait, I was alone.  What if I died?  What if I died here, all alone.  Suddenly I felt as though the oxygen was taunting me.  I knew where it came from and so did the oxygen.  It came from out there, a place where I had once been apart of.  A place that I once called home.

I was married.  Once.  I once was married to the girl of my dreams.  She loved me and I loved her.  Perfection.  We made plan after plan on what we were going to do with our life together.  Travel and see the world, fall asleep holding each other, watch movie after movie...the list went on.  I couldn't have asked for anything else.  We got married, then reality hit.  I was working full time at a job.  It doesn't matter what job it was, in fact, I can't even remember.  I had so many.  I had used my savings and we rented a small apartment.  We were able to furnish it with a bed and a card table.  Nothing else, for that was all we could afford.  Then Sam was born.  Then Sam died.  Our plans shattered.  She blamed herself for his death.  It was something she did wrong during the pregnancy.  She was wrong though.  She did everything right.  I told her that.  She didn't believe me.  She started to lay in bed longer than normal.  She started to sleep with her back facing me.  She started to get angry at me.  I started to not know her anymore.  That wasn't the girl I married.  Then she started moving stuff out.

Then she was gone.

My life was shattered.  Each night, I would come home to an empty bed.  She said she needed to be away from me for awhile.  I reminded her too much of what happened.  I would call her, she wouldn't answer.  Then I started.  Bottle after bottle, my worries would disappear.  I liked it.  I was able to wake up in the, and not remember the night before.  It kept me from keeping my head on straight, thus I could never focus on my life's problems.

Then I lost my job.  Then I lost my apartment.  I was back in with my parents, they knew my ways of forgetting was a problem.  Heck, I knew it was, but it helped me out that I couldn't get rid of it.   Soon, my mother was telling me that I wasn't her same sweet boy anymore.  Soon, my father was saying the same.  I looked into the mirror, I starred at my reflection.  Soon my reflection was telling me that I wasn't the same.  I couldn't do this anymore.

I went driving, but driving never led me anywhere, I always had to return right back to where I started.  I soon started to get adventurous by driving up the canyon and seeing how far I was able to go.  I was driving up the canyon and it started to snow.  Hard.  Soon I was having a hard time seeing out my windshield.  I kept looking for a point to turn around, I never found one.  Soon my truck was stuck, it wouldn't move another foot.  I had two options: stay in the truck and wait it out, or get out and walk down the canyon.  Option one was fine for the moment, but then the truck's gas would be gone and so would I.  The second option seemed like the best, I had a heavy coat on and the snow from the previous storm was hard enough that treking through it wouldn't be too hard.

I started walking, but I didn't make more than 200 yards from my truck when I tripped and down I went. Not just down to the ground, but down the side of the mountain.  I just kept falling, soon the snow around me started to move, to fall with me.  I was engulfed.  I was trapped.  Now I sit here, not being able to move.  What is going to happen?  Here is what's going to happen: I will die here, alone.  Will I be missed? Will I be remembered or just forgotten.  Forgotten like the winter once spring hits.  Will I just melt away with the snow? Sam, here comes daddy.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Gloomy Optimist

I whisper hopes into my ear
Yet my mind never reaches for them
I try to convince myself.
Convince myself of what?
I grasp for a concept I shall never know
Each day, seeking deeper and deeper.
Why do I do this to myself?
I want things to be...that's it,
I don't know what I want things to be.
I think I had an idea once,
maybe twice
But now I am completely blank
Each night I run through it over and over again.
Each time, a different result
The good,
The bad,
The impossible,
but is it probable?
I will never know,
I will never try.
I don't regret.
But sometimes I think I should regret not regretting,
For regretting would make me
A man with a past,
Something he won't talk about.
I have a past, that's for sure,
But I will talk about it, if you will listen
If anyone would.
I have an idea of a future,
one where you aren't in it.
But who are 'you'?
I have a dream of a life,
where you and I are together.
Not you, the other you
But then again, who are 'you'?
Please, please,
Come out and say.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I stare.
I stare aimlessly into the mirror
Into the eyes of the figure
The figure that isn't me at all.
My eyes burn
Retinas parched like a desert
Confusion sets in
Who is that looking back at me?
Though as I sink deeper into his eyes
I recognize
I recognize a person I once new
Someone who laughed
But now he looks unfamiliar
Of that of the past
I stare even harder
My eyes scream for moisture
Then I blink
And there I am
Starring at myself
In the mirror

Friday, November 13, 2009



A Family is forever
Doesn't matter what happens
Aspiration keeps them alive
A Family is a miracle
Doesn't matter what you do
They always are inviting
A Family is loving
There for strength
To put a smile upon your face
A Family is Yours

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I Focused Too Much On Shoelaces...They're Too Tight

I'm just dazed
In the unforgettable
Moment I'm in.
It's just strange,
The action that I go
Through each day.
I'm trying to get out,
I'm trying to leave,
But the days just go by,
Like seconds in my life.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dave Smallen

So instead of me putting one of my writings up today, I thought I would help an artist out. Dave Smallen is musician that makes wonderful music and needs to be heard, so if interested, head over to to listen to his stuff. He is a very talented person and needs the credit he deserves. His new album, "Everything Changes and Nothing Changes" comes out on iTunes 12.1.09. Please check him out.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

They Say I Am A Hope(less Romantic)

What is this?
What hopes have I got myself into this time?
Your hair is growing old with this moment
And here we are, falling away like leaves upon a dead ground.
I desperately count my worries away
For if I shall fall asleep with them,
I always wake up on the wrong side.
I scream the quietest secret
For no one can know

My mind observes
And states:
"What is this?"

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Often in our lives, we look forward
We plan the future, make sure it goes our way
But many a time, I find myself looking back
Looking back on what I have done
And who it has made me today.
The people that have touched my life
Motivated, encouraged me
The people that have hurt my life
Pushed it down, hurt me
I can't help but to be so thankful for all of them
Brian Naylor wouldn't be Brian Naylor if not for them.
I find myself at times fighting things in my life
I fight feelings, thoughts, the past
But I always lose that fight
My mind comes full circle
Back to those thoughts
What am I to do?
Do I give up on something great?
Should I seek the work for a different happiness?
At night, I lay and stare at the light on the fire alarm
It helps me
Helps me get my thoughts gathered
But I still can never figure out what to do
So here I am
Getting nowhere
My heart longs for a love
My mind longs for a peace
Can I ever get those to coexist?
I guess I'll just have to start look ahead
Here's to the Future

Your Eyes

What happens in the end?
What happens when we love?
What makes us be(lie)ve?
The love makes our heart jump
Gives us chills through our body
The love makes us lose our thoughts
Our mind
Our Hearts
When I look in your eyes
It's as though I can feel your love
Your heart
When I look into your eyes
There is nowhere I'd rather be
Because you can always make me happy
Yeah, sometimes it gets frustrating
It sometimes gets complicated
But when I look in your eyes
For some reason, all that is
In my mind
It just leaves, goes somewhere else
Because when I look in your eyes
It makes my heart jump
Gives me chills
Makes me lose my thoughts
My mind
My heart

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Stress? Perhaps. I don't know.

So I have been busy lately and haven't taken the time to write new stuff. I thought I would be able to update everyday, but I guess not. My mind lately has been busy, a thousand thoughts. I just don't know what to do about a lot of stuff at the moment, but I keep my head up high.

The cool breeze grasps at my lungs
I try to take in the moment
But it seems as though my mind is stuck on you

That is a problem some say
But I dare to say it's not
To be able to close my eyes
And imagine your beautiful smile
Or get a glimpse of a moment
Where you gazed into my eyes

I love you and I always will
So take my hand
And we'll run away

Thursday, October 15, 2009


So I have no new stuff to post so I guess I'll just make something up on the spot:

I walk briskly in the cool wind
Then upon the hill I collapse
I stare at the tree above
It feels as though as it is my shelter
My protection from life
I shiver
What am I doing?
The music that is pounding my ears
Feels as though it is just background noise
The clouds slowly roll over the blue sky
The sun peaks out and blinds me
I keep on a thought
I hate it
I hate the grass
I hate the sky
I hate the trees
I can feel the ground warming with my presence
I have been here too long
I need to get out
But where?
A tear slowly rolls down my numb cheek
My eyes, blurred with the oh-so-common moisture
I can't do this anymore
My soul needs the joy
But where has it gone?
Finally, I dose off, into my dreams

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


If the day breaks and I'm not there
Be sure to tell me
If the summer days come around and I'm not there
Be sure to warn me
Cause I can't seem to get up anymore
And I hope that this what I'm waiting for
Oh please tell me what we are here for
Oh please tell what I'm doing here
Cause I know that this can't be the end
And moments on end we're just sitting here
Oh please tell me what I'm doing here
The grass is dying with each silhouette
And I lost it all to a silly bet
The tracks keep playing through my stupid head
Tonight I just can't seem to get to bed
Oh please tell me what I'm doing here
My phone is lying completely motionless
My soul is stained with my sins
And I have more loses then I do wins
Oh please tell me what I'm doing here
The checkmarks on your crazy list
Mark the moments that I have always missed
My car is smelling like old take out food
How I speak to you, it depends on my mood
Oh please tell me what I'm doing here

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Do You?

The sun's been coming up a little bit too late
And I'm tired of being here in the dark
Oh, I know that your around
And I know that your still here
But I need to know
Do you, do you
Do you love me?

I'm drawing blanks
An endless stare
For I don't know what to do
I don't know where to go
My heart sets out on a path
That is different than the truth
Do you, do you
Do you know what to do?

The moments passed a little too fast
And I wasn't quite ready
The future was to be looked out for
But now it's right before my very eyes
My mind was set on a fairy tell
Oh I wish I could say 'Happily Ever After'
Do you, do you
Do you really think this is right?

Friday, October 9, 2009


Well, I'm trying to write on here everyday, but that isn't really working out. This last week has been a good one, better than the one before, that's for sure. Change is upon me and I am scared crap-less, but I'll face it like I do with any problem. I am glad to have friends and family in my life with me to help me in times of need, and hope they know that I am here to help them whenever they need it. I'm glad that my best buddy and I are on the same page again, for he has brightened my week! So here's to another week of fun, hope it can be as surprising as this previous one!!! And here is a poem about LIFE:

Have you ever watched rain pour from the sky?
Ever just watched an ant walk on by?
Did you ever just stop and think about life?
Have you ever just sat alone, starring at the wall?
Ever just watched an object fall?
Did you ever just stop and think about life?
Have you ever watched a person laugh?
Ever just dose off in a bath?
Did you ever just stop and think about life?
Have you ever watched a pencil write?
Ever just watched the bubbles in a glass of sprite?
Did you ever just stop and think about life?
Have you ever sat in a field of snow?
Ever just watched a friendship grow?
Did you ever just stop and think about life?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Sandman

Curiously and carelessly take a stroll
Who knows where you will go
Fall asleep on top of a grassy knoll
Let the Sandman take you away

Take you away from this sad and melancholy day
Take you away from all the stupid things I say
Just lay your head back
And let the sun hit your eyes
Let the breeze pick you up
Ans let the Sandman take you away

Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Summer Day...

This is one of my favorite poems that I have written:

As the light comes down and warms my face
I wonder about life, this one big race
As the grass seeps into my veins
I can feel the numbing pain
I can touch the breeze with my fingers
The scent that just seems to linger
I close my eyes and fall asleep
And as I lay there, the rain slowly creeps
It comes down, washing away my sin
But in all of this, I seem to grin
This perfect summer day never seems to end
Is it real? Or all just pretend?
Will I wake up? Have the coldness rush upon me?
Be drowning in the one big sea
The one big sea we call Earth
In and out of the same old routine
Trying to balance life on the beam
The beam that everyone sets to high
You laugh so hard, you seem to cry
Sometimes you get pushed around
Sometimes you are lost and never found
Being by yourself is the best thing to do
Remembering all your friendships that grew
As you close your eyes, everything comes back
You remember the memories you seem to lack
Like when the family sat down to say grace
You open your eyes as the light comes down and warms your face

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tears, Fears, and Cheers

Clear panes upon the window seal
Watch as the dew rolls down
Cool mist comes through the screen
The rich air, the gentle breeze
Close your eyes, let the moisture grab you
Leave worries behind you
And just take in the day
Become one with the drops
And fall to the ground
Drift off to the sweet summer lullaby
Take in the beauty, the hope in the skies
The gutters fill, take our sorrows away
The rain cleans our body, our breath, our step
No need to look back, the past is the past
The future is not set, it gives us the chances we need
Just keep moving forward, don't turn around
Keep an eye out for the warming sun
To clear your mind, to clear your heart
Everyone has their place, you just need to find yours
You have the strength to give what you have to give

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Woke up when September ended to find it snowing

This morning I woke up from a nice sleep, I am getting better at this whole go to bed early thing. I think my body is starting to recover and feel normal again. This week I have not been feeling myself, I am never in a real good mood and I just feel sad...and I know exactly why. Hopefully though that in the next few months that follow(even the years that follow) will be happy and my dreams and plans work out. That WE work out. Anyways, enough of that. My feet are wet, my legs are getting dry and I am cold. I am developing this love/hate relationship for the weather up here in Logan. I am enjoying the weather right now, but this morning, heading to biology, I hated it. I was nearly completely soaked when I arrived, along with being very cold. I need warmer cloths and gear. And also something to cover my backpack so Clifford can stay warm and dry. I really wish I had a good poem to post today, but all I have is my old Creative Writing stuff, so here is a poem I wrote last year:

Chairs are the best way to sit

They provide back support and a place to rest

But resting is the best in bed

With big pillows and such

But it’s not great when someone eats crackers

While they are in bed

Then its makes everything all scratchy

And that is never good

When I climb in, I notice crumbs

Frustrated, I get out

There is no more clean sheets

Oh dear

So I think that I will just stand

Oh wait, there is a chair.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


This is a fiction story I wrote a while back:

It is late September, the air is a brisk cold and the trees have shed the life of the year and are bare. The wind picks up and scatters leaves across the field as I walk across. I pull the zipper up higher on my thin, brown jacket, I can feel the fear come over me as I draw nearer to my destination. I know that this moment will change my life. I pause as I reach the corner, I stare up the street. There it is, the house. This isn’t any normal house though, this house is special. I start walking up the street, the sun is setting behind me, extending my shadow on the street. I reach the house, I stop. My thoughts start to drift off to a year ago where the sun setting didn’t mean darkness for me. I was in a park, swinging, swinging as high I the warm chains would allow me to. I could feel the sand shifting in my shoes, the wind passing every one of my hairs, and her voice. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. She was standing in front of the swing set watching me. Watching me, never letting her dark blue eyes move off of me. She moved her long brown hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ears. “You know, you can’t stay on there forever.” She said.

I wish I was still on that swing set, watching her. She was beautiful.

I made my way across the front yard, it was still damp from the sprinklers that came on in the morning. It never got warm enough anymore for water to evaporate. Nothing ever left here, once it was here, it was here to stay. I knew that that implied to me also, I was here to stay, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t leave. I reached the front steps, I slowly walked up them, counting each one. One, two, three, and four. There I was, staring at the door. I knew I had to do it, this couldn’t stay inside of me anymore. I opened the screen door and felt my cold knuckles hit the wooden door. Same as the steps, one, two, three, and four. The moment between me knocking and the door opening felt like an eternity. Leave I was telling myself, run as far away as you can and never look back. The door opened. There she was, her hair was shorter, but besides that, it was the same girl. The same girl that had drove me crazy everyday since the night on the swing set. I think she already knew why I was there, for she didn’t say anything. There wasn’t much emotion on her face, I was having a hard time reading her. We starred in each other’s eyes for a brief moment. Then I did it, I did what I was fearing to do since the first day I met her.

“I love you.”

Monday, September 28, 2009


Today I feel tired. I really not in the best of moods, and sleep could probably be the cause of that. Last night(around 12:30) I went with Dan, Chuck, and people to Rancheritos, which is pretty much Betos. It was good and fun, and when I got back I went to bed. I did though, had a hard time falling asleep, tossing and turning. I did finally go to bed at 2ish, only to be woken at 4:45 by people being loud. I think it was just Chuck and I asleep. So I'm a little annoyed with some people right now, because it is just now that they are awakening for the day, not bothered that classes were missed.

Anyways here is a recent poem I wrote that I really like:

Oh where'd you go?

Those summer days are over
And the nights are getting slower
You're not the same person
And we're just getting farther

Where did we all go wrong?
I saw it all along
A friendship that's supposed to last
Is dying pretty fast

Oh where'd you go?

You're a two faced human bean
You're not what everyone sees
The friend that I once new
Has disappeared again

Your new life is what counts
You don't have any doubts
As I sit all alone
You conquer the social throne

So where'd you go?

And maybe as time goes by
You'll finally realize why
I was in your life

And we shall reminisce
About all the times we missed
But till then I'll wonder

Where'd you go?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Changing Times

Have you ever felt something incredible?
But it slips away in a moments time?
I swear I love her
but she's already gone
And I don't think that she'll ever turn back

I sit alone in my empty room
And think of the times we had
Like when I held her
And looked into her eyes
And when she kissed me
And everything was alright

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Since I am home for the weekend, I find myself alone in my room, a rare event in Logan. As I sit in my bed, I am looking through my notebook and I run into this poem I wrote right before heading to college:

I go around this neighborhood
Relive my childhood
The memories in the back of my head
The times that I will never forget

Now I'm 18, my whole life now ahead
Who will I be? Where will I go?
These streets are so familiar to me
Yet I have to go, I can't look back

Never have I been away for more than two weeks
This home has always been my only home
I leave with what things I have
Hoping that I won't have to come back

Plan is to go and make something of me
Define who I am, and what I will become
But yet, these streets seem so familiar to me
This is my home, my only home

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sigur Ros and a Fire Sprinkler

So I drove home this weekend and hope to have some fun down here. The drive was nice I guess, I listened to Motion City Soundtrack the whole way. I love the way Justin writes his lyrics, they are just so catchy......anyways besides that, the drive was boring.

So the other evening, I was in one of those weird moods where you just don't feel present. So I pulled out the Love Sac into the middle of our living room, collapsed upon it, and turned on some Sigur Ros. For the next twenty minutes or so, I sat there, starring at a fire sprinkler, thinking and listening. It was a wonderful moment. I suddenly came back to reality and shut my iPod off and ran into my room, pulled out my notebook and wrote this:

A moments glimpse of the future
What is to be
Time Replayed
Of what was

Does everything happen for a reason?

I close my eyes
Time is played before me
I can see it now
Will it come true?

The days change into seasons

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Are You There?

God, are you there?
Are you speaking to me?
I need you to show me what I need to see
I'm lost and confused
I need some news
Please help me
God, are you with me?
Are you by my side?
I need help with the truth and lies
All those thoughts racing in my head
I need to know what my soul should be fed
Please help me
God, are you listening?
Are you giving me hope?
Help me find the things that I need most
Help me find my light, so it can glow
I'm so lost in my life, I could cry
But if I do, I need you by my side
To help me through these times
So please help me
Get some rest
Show me what is truly the best
So when I go to bed at night
Never again will I have to ask
"God are you there?"

Emergency Awakening

This morning I was awakened by the sound of my phone vibrating because I had a phone call. Who may it be? The USU emergency alert system doing a test. Groggy, I glance at the clock: 9:15. Wonderful, my biology lab started at 8:30. I swear this biology stuff is going to be the death of me, I HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT. So I arrive at my lab and the kid sitting next to me let me copy his worksheet for the current lab, THANK YOU!!! This will probably effect my lab report because I didn't really do the lab, but all is well....for now. But here I am once again sitting in the USU library doing homework, but this time it's fun homework. Today I have to write a review of something other than a film, so that should be interesting....I wish I had some writings to post, but I don't at the moment. Maybe I can post my personal narrative or something, but for now this is all.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I don't know what to think

I am sitting here in the Library at USU on the fourth floor trying to finish my Biology. I don't like biology, I don't understand it, but yet, I am in the class and I have to force myself to learn. I came up to Utah State University with the intent of becoming a Horticulturist, that plan was thrown out after the first week....and now, I don't know what I want to really do with my life. Lately though, I have been pondering about becoming a writer, because writing is something that comes easy for me, it is something that I love to do. The one problem is do I know if I am a good writer? Everyone who reads my stuff just says the classic response: "It's good, I like it." You like it? Why do you like it? It never helps me. Maybe I can use this blog to post some writings and see what people think. Even if I were to become a writer, how the heck would I make money? Being a writer isn't really the best field to go into if you need to survive. I just hope with time, I will figure what I truly want in life and where I really want to go. Well, back to biology.